09 November 2006

The home computer

Many parents believe that having a home computer is an investment in the future of their children and they often pay more than a thousand pounds for a product they do not fully understand.

According to a recent survey, over two thirds of parents firmly believe in the educational importance of (blank) personal computers. But as the pressure on parents to buy (blank) sophisticated and expensive equipment increases, (blank) concern is growing in (blank) Britain over the real educational value of the computer.

The concern comes as schools are being encouraged by private industry to invest in the latest technology. The Government also intends to make (blank)
access to computers easier in school as the best way to win what it calls the "Knowledge Race" against other nations.
However, according to some educationalists, parents who think of the computer as some form of home tutor could be heading for (blank) trouble. Dr George Hadley, who is a lecturer in educational computing at (blank) Oxford University, stresses that (blank)
educational software can never completely replace (blank)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>>in the future of their children
mejor : in their children's future

>>they do not fully understand.
mejor: they don't fully understand.

>>(blank) concern is growing in
there is a growing concern in

>>The concern comes as schools
mejor: This concern comes as ...