29 September 2006

Tips for english language learning

It's difficult but is the key for learning a language such english or anything you are intersted in, you have to be "perseverance", and "optimism", so if you believe in something you have a difficult road ahead to get it. Some tips that help me in this difficult travel of learning english.

-Use the IM;, jabber,gtalk,jabbin,skype.

-Read interesting blogs about things you like or interesting people.

-Try to read a small book you can finish.

-Listen radio or TV in english altough you can't understand.

-Instead read the news in internet in your mother tonge, try read it in english, there are a lot of good sites.

-Smile of yourself when make mistakes speaking, but you have to speak for to make mistakes :)

And several more activities for to do, but remember the word "perseverance" if you want something you have to work hard.

20 September 2006

Nice phrases

I don't want to be shy, can't stand it any more - I just want to say Hi to the one I love.
I know so many places in the world - I follow the sun in my silver plane. Universal Traveler. If you have a look outside on the sea. Everything is white it's so wonderful.
Your blood is red it's beautiful Genetic Love. Biological. I don't know why I feel that way with you.
There is no time to waste, we'd better take the chance. Cherry Blossom Girl.

Good sound and pretty content from the Air band.

12 September 2006

Get on learning spanish!

Would you like to take up learning or practise your spanish language?, don't put it off! you can start right now. We can do language interchange, half time english spoken and half time spanish spoken, don't worry if you don't know how to do through internet, you only need 3 things;

-A computer
-A internet connection
-To feel like to learn a lot of things

I can teach you to manage programs to can speak between us.
Try it!, you only have to left a comment on this blog.

"Choose a job you love, and you'll never have to work a day in your life."

07 September 2006

Tower of London

Founded nearly a millenium ago the Tower of London has protected, housed, imprisioned, and witness from bloody battles. These days on Saturdays you can see some act remembering his old times.

Natural History Musseum

It's good to visit a good musseum with several things and prehistoric animals to know it.

                                           This is the enter to another floors.

04 September 2006

Cool people

London punks on picadilly.

Take a look to the man who is sitting, a man speaking all time about anything and anyone listening, cool man!

I have arrived at home

This past saturday i arrived home after 3 weeks in London so now i'll try to update the blog with photos and more comments about my experience.
Finally I have real food to eat again. Spain, i love our food!